Are you working for a Dutch company as an expat? If you have to file a tax return in the Netherlands for the first time this year, you have probably heard of it: the M-form. The letter M refers to “migration“. The form is mandatory if you have recently emigrated to the Netherlands and have not spend the entire year within the Dutch borders. If you need assistance in filling out this Dutch M-form, Witlox International Tax Advice, a company in the Nijmegen area, will be more than happy to help you. Save yourself time and effort with this specialist’s servicesThe Dutch government has recently added the option of completing the M-form digitally. Before, it was only possible to complete the form on paper. However, one difficulty remains. The M-form is still published entirely in Dutch, which makes it highly recommendable to engage a professional company such as Witlox International Tax Advice near Nijmegen – especially if you do not speak the Dutch language. The document consists of dozens of pages, so it will probably take you a lot of time to fully complete the form. With the professional tax-related services of this specialist, this is no longer necessary. This way, you will experience a carefree tax return! A company with extensive knowledge of tax-related matters for expatsWitlox International Tax Advice’s mission is to make your experience as an expat in the Netherlands as pleasant as possible. Accordingly, this specialist near Nijmegen is happy to take care of your tax-related matters, such as completing the Dutch M-form. You can also contact this company for other matters. Think, for example, of reliable advice about your financial situation. Next to this specialist’s extensive knowledge of tax-related matters for expats, you will also benefit from its personal approach and one-on-one contact. Would you like to know more? Then visit the website for an overview of all services. | |